MASCULIN Franchise
The meaning of Franchise
A franchise is a retail outlet owned by independent, third party operators through which a company distributes its products or services. The independent operator does business using the marketing methods, trademarked goods and services and the „goodwill” (know how) and name recognition developed by the company. In exchange, the independent operator pays an initial fee and royalties to the owner of the franchise. The company that grants the independent operator the right to distribute its trademarks, products, or techniques is known as the franchiser. The independent, third party business person distributing the franchiser’s products or services through retail or service outlets is called the franchisee.
The MASCULIN Concept
The MASCULIN brand appeared in Hungary, in autumn of 2006. The outstandingly accurate design, the unusually high level of service and salon’s atmosphere, the unequalled professionalism is absolutely a unique way of providing the highest quality in the Hungarian beauty industry. MASCULIN is widely known among the most exclusive luxury brands, and not only between wealthy men. Due to past year’s very intensive marketing activity the company has achieved remarkable results. The Gentlemen’s Spa has opened in March 2007 and today has more than a 1000 registered male guests. This is a great proof that our conception has a reason for existence. We are intended to keep our so called monopoly and leading ship on this part of the market, so MASCULIN is looking towards a circumspect expansion. From September of 2008 the MASCULIN conception will present itself on the franchise market with its complex method, to a limited number of franchise partners.
The Franchisor will provide the following:
The system of a unique and new conception, the know-how, brand name.
- The MASCULIN name, logo, slogan with the unlimited usage of all our graphical elements.
- All rights for use the MASCULIN website.
- Adopting the MASCULIN admin and salon’s program.
- MASCULIN provides help in developing the inner and outer layouts: design plans, décor materials, suppliers, contractors etc.
- MASCULIN provides help in choosing your staff members: ongoing team trainings, management and sales trainings.
- Defining the team’s working dress, help in supplying.
- Defining the salon’s treatments, help in providing the electro-cosmetic machineries, equipments.
- Support in PR activity, and advertising.
The Franchisee’s obligations:
Maintaining and building the MASCULIN‘s brand image.
Developing the salon by the prototype plans provided by franchisor. Using materials of the highest quality and observing the advices of the interior decorator delegated by the franchisor.
The franchisee is becoming a JP Gaultier and Phytomer reference salon, by signing the franchise contract. The franchisee has to observe all the instructions of these suppliers.
All advertisements and prints should use the brands trademarks in the manner provided and checked up by the franchisor.
The franchisee has to stand and provide the highest quality modeled by the franchisor’s salon all the time, in services as well as in business policy.
The MASCULIN franchise term is forever, the franchise fee is 25.000 Euro/9 million HUF.
No any other royalties, monthly /yearly fees has to be paid.